Residential Workshops and Retreats at Trallwyn Cottages Pembrokeshire
Gatherings of the Heart - with Lisa Woods 15th -19 Sept 2023 - Fully Booked
2.00pm Friday -4.00pm Mon 2023
MAY retreat. On land of ancient stone and mountain, where echoes of long ago footsteps tread but a moment away and rituals of old still hold strong, we will weave from the wisdom of our Ancestors, honouring their place in this great story we are dreaming. Stories are never greater than when they are heard, are never more beautiful than when they are honoured, and never more than when they are told with spirit. Come wear your story with the ancient threads it bares...... A small and intimate retreat for storytellers with some experience of journeying and with a good connection to their spirit guides. Staying in a 300 year old farmhouse and Bach, the cost of this wonderful retreat is to include vegetarian food, refreshments and all workshops. Journeying will be in the yurt. Spaces are limited so early booking is highly recommended, a £50 non returnable deposit is required at time of booking to confirm space. TEL: Lisa on 07790 552293 NOW FULLY BOOKED
Individual Retreats - Available all Year
Many people come and stay at Trallwyn for peaceful retreat space. A wonderful place for meditation, alone time, re- connection with ourselves...and the land in this wild +beautiful landscape... Most popular retreat spaces are : Trallwyn Yurt, Trallwyn Bach, Trallwyn Cottage and Trallwyn Cowshed... If you are unsure which to through the options with Anna. Cost Short breaks from £120 weeks from £180 Contact Anna on 01994 419278 or email: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Trallwyn Cottages Music Weeks/weekends - we have had many successful music weeks but have no specific futeure dates organised...please let us know if you would like to organise friends for this...or for your own version...acoustic music only...please do get in touch with Anna For musicians and singers alike...Stewart Lever brings his own special flavour to the week... as well as many of his opportunity to come and stay at Trallwyn Cottages for a whole week of musicmaking...also open to people who don't play music but love to hear it being all acoustic a cottage or yurt contact Anna to find out more...
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trallwn Cottages Music + Maintenance Weekend dates to be arrranged if you have a group who would like to do this... Come and stay for free! The music week has been very successful we also offer a Music + Maintenance Weekend for those people who would like to offer their skills in return for a room and board here at Trallwyn... in return for 4-5 hours work a day or 25 hours work per week you are most welcome... the weekend is also open for bookings from people who would enjoy - Just being here while there are musical happenings Only available out of the main school holidays in our quieter times!
Contact Anna on 01994 419278 or email:
_______________________________________________________________________ Group Retreats + Workshops + Group Gatherings
Trallwyn is an ideal setting for small and large groups + retreats. Maximum people in all cottages- 21- Cottages plus Yurt - 25 - or total of 31 using the 3 bedsettees... We have a small groups room which can be hired in conjunction with the cottages. And sometimes people use the Yurt as a Workshop space. People also rent all the Cottages for family gatherings, birthdays and other special occasions... If you are interested in running a workshop or making a group booking...please contact Anna to discuss the options... Contact Anna on 01994 419278 or email: If you would like to bring your group it painting, singing, meditation, massage book groups etc... Anna offers a shared risk on bookings to her about your ideas... |
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pottery Residential Workshops - with Anna Kavanagh - dates of your choice A Creative break for complete beginners and the more experienced...
~ evening and finish on Saturday morning when the kiln is opened ~ all food is vegetarian ~ self serve breakfast ~ light lunch ~ and home-cooked evening meal. Bedrooms ~ are located in one of Trallwyn Cottages in twin rooms. Single and double bedrooms are sometimes available please ask Anna. Pottery Tuition ~ From 10am-1pm...Teaching time and use of the Workshop in the afternoon ~ Suitable for the complete beginner and the more experienced ~ a beautiful environment ~ a safe place in which to play ~ creative expression ~ hand building ~ throwing on the wheel ~ firing ~ glazing and decorating... Workshop facilities ~ There are two electric wheels and tables to work at for hand building ~ with whirlers, rolling pins, cloths, moulds and tools. It is a good idea to discuss your requirements with Anna. Group size ~ For Residential Workshops there are up to 4 people in the group to give you quality individual teaching. Pots ~Very large pots will not dry out in a week and can be taken home unfired or left with Anna to be fired at a later date... Medium sized work should be made first and smaller pieces nearer to the firing day if you want to fire and glaze most of your work. Clays ~ We work in terracotta and stoneware but don’t mix the do please enquire with Anna which is being used in the Workshop at the time of your course. There are coloured slips and various glazes and colours for use with both types of clay. The first 3-4 days are for making pots and then they are biscuit fired over night. Firing ~ The first firing usually takes place on the Wednesday afternoon/evening. Only pots that are bone dry can go into the kiln for the biscuit firing...The following day is the glazing day when the pots can be glazed and decorated before a final firing on Friday night… Availability ~ There is only limited availability for Residential Workshops...If one is not available at the times you would like to visit.. . please check with Anna...It may still be possible to do the pottery by renting one of the self catering cottages and booking into the pottery for tuition on a separate basis. This is the only option in the 6 week Summer School Holidays. If you are are a group... and you would like to book a residential week…do ring Anna to discuss the possibility of other dates... Prices Weekly rate…£675 (Single room supplement £70/£140) Residential Workshops include full board (vegetarian) Accommodation and pottery tuition... Also included in price the first 5 pounds in weight of pottery produced…It is occasionally possible for non potting partners to stay for the week when numbers are low… Cost of week £380 Extra night B+B £45pp... Full board £75pp per day when conjunction with Pottery Workshops only. Contact Anna on 01994 419278 or email: Residential Pottery Workshop Booking Form