Below a list of phone numberss and websites for booking flights...I find cheaperholidays
best for last minute bookings and easyjet best for advance bookings…
****Easyjet: Excellent especially if you book well in advance. And to change a flight already booked: 08706076543
***Cheaperflights: website: (good for Cardiff/ Bristol/anywhere) 0870 054 1302This site is a very good one for last minute bookings...go to it and then click on Charter flight search at the top of the page....
Flightline: 0800 0360777 01702 715151
Places to stay an extra night or two: Sometimes it works out so much cheaper to travel a day or 2 earlier or to stay on and fly a day or 2 later that it is well worth booking into a hostal for a night or 2...
Hostal in La Mamola website: you can email them from the website.
The rates are very reasonable and the Hostal Onteniente has both single and double rooms from 18 euros single room to 30 euros for a is on the beach front at La Mamola...literally at the bottom of the mountain from Polopos village. Just a word of advice...the above prices are for the mountainside which can be can hear traffic. If this bothers you choose the sea side prices 20 euros single room + 36 euros for a double.
***Malaga Car Hire: 0208 3982662 (once you have booked your flight ring Malaga Car Hire to book a car...they will send you or fax you confirmation which you can then take with you. You pay in sterling at Malaga...this works out cheaper...they collect you from the airport.They also often upgrade you on a car you have booked with no extra cost! If you do book through them can you please let me know as I am trying to keep a record...Thanks...
Alhambra Granada pre booking no: 0034 913 469 936 or got to: another way is through the bank from outside Spain: 0034 13745420 or from inside Spain: 902 22 44 60....It is strongly advised to pre book...if you turn up on the day you may only be able to get tickets for the next day...They only let something like 400 people through an hour...
Anna Kavanagh
Trallwyn Cottage Holidays and Ashera Pottery, Mynachlogddu, Pembs. Wales SA66
7SE. UK.
phone no: 00 44 (0)1994 419278